Welcome to Tasmodelshop.com

First some mandatory information.
- All product photos and videos are not to convey a personal or guiding opinion but purely informative for the customer to be able to better judge the contents of a kit.
INBOX reviews of for example the company MBK are informative, Tasmodelshop has no affiliation or other economic construction with MBK for the use of these videos.
- Tasmodelshop shows products on Marktplaats, when purchasing a link is made to this website.


Our strength? We are real model builders!

Tasmodelshop is a webshop for military model kits. Mainly in 1:72, but also for other scales such as 1:35 and even 1:16!

From the beginning, Tasmodelshop has been led by real model builders who know the products and the people. That is why we want nothing more than to expand this wonderful hobby and keep it affordable.

We do this in a practical way, for example we use recycled packaging materials that we collect and we focus on efficiency and transparency.

We also like transparency towards our customers. Informing people about our products and even the history that goes with it is very important to us.

That is also the reason why this webshop still exists today, to be able to share the history with everyone.


Our history

Tasmodelshop started as a shop in 2002 by Rob Tas, he had a vision:

"Promoting the hobby of model building and keeping it affordable for everyone, by model builders for model builders".

In the same year he started his own line of 1:72 resin products that has grown to more than 200 different kits.

2002 was also the start of the webshop, which made our products even more accessible to everyone.

2005 was the start of an expansion, we started offering other brands such as IBG and Early War Miniatures.

In 2011, Tasmodelshop started selling the book ‘’Holland paraat 1’’. A book that Rob helped to create himself. In 2016, ‘’Holland paraat 2’’ was released, also made possible by our own Rob Tas.

Since 2018, Tasmodelshop has grown rapidly in volume due to a significant expansion of the range. Most brands were included in the range, and the sale of 1:35 construction kits began.


In his vision, Rob has certainly succeeded, because Tasmodelshop is now the largest supplier of 1:72 military model kits, and a true expert in the field of history and model building.


In June 2024, the big choice was made to hand over the baton to Alex Tas. His vision is in line with Rob's:

‘’Introducing everyone to this wonderful hobby and ensuring that it remains affordable, while we share the history behind the kits with each other’’.


Mo - Fr: Ordered before 19:00, shipped today.

Free shipping to Germany & Belgium above €150,-

Free shipping to other countries above €200,-

We also ship to the UK!

Shipping cost

Nederland: € 6,95

Deutschland: € 8,95

België: € 10,50

France: € 12,95

Holland ready!

A nice gift for your Dutch Friends!

(books are in Dutch & English)

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